Laureate School
Laureate School
Laureate School had the opportunity to create an outdoor teaching area but wanted something different. The staff had some inspirational ideas however it became clear that it was the Foundation Stage children themselves that had a surprising list of exacting demands and expectations for their play space. Swings and see-saws were rejected in favour of caves, woven willow tunnels and bug areas.
The play space was also to be a memorial garden, so it had to encompass this quality as well as incorporate government standards of education, social interaction and safety. The starting point for the design concept came in early discussion with a central Apple Tree as a living memorial and this remained the focus of the space from which all else radiated.
The play area focuses on soft landscaping using plants and natural features to create a diverse interaction and connectivity between the children and the natural environment. Also there are many areas which will allow the children to cultivate their own plants to allow the garden to change with the natural cycle and the children’s ideas. Phase 2 developed the rest of the playing field for the older children using a similar theme with an emphasis on physical activity and play.

‘Architecture through Construction – Construction through Architecture’