Home Farm Barn
Home Farm Barn is a C17 red brick Norfolk Barn which forms part of the Grade 2 listed entity at Home Farm. The Barn’s agricultural use had long ceased and was now used as a workshop and general storage by the Farmhouse Cottage which it adjoins. The project was to convert the barn into a separate dwelling with a dedicated access onto the main road. The Barn was structurally suitable and architecturally worthy of retention by conversion. Features of note include brickwork honeycomb ventilation panels, large timber trussed roof structure and brickwork detailing. Planning and Listed Building consent was required. We produced an open plan kitchen dining area with a sun room space leading onto the garden. A separate lounge assessed from a central corridor serving ancillary rooms make up the rest of the ground floor. The first floor focussed rooms to overlook the garden with a feature staircase to the front.

‘Architecture through Construction – Construction through Architecture’