Grimston Road
Grimston Road – 52 Dwellings
This master plan scheme represents about 10% of the Knight Hill development plan, part of the expansion of Kings Lynn. As a small developer our first port of call was to approach the parish council to determine what sort of development they were keen to see. Understanding that future expansion was inevitable and the parish helped us to develop a concept that took into account the parish’s wishes of integration of sustainable transport, preservation of local natural habitat, and the exploration of local vernacular materials such as Carstone into the proposal. We also worked in collaboration with Camland Development who were overseeing the majority of the remainder for the area, to integrate our proposals with theirs, something which the local authority were eager to see, so that a holistic approach to the development of Knight Hill could be provided.
This important ongoing project is in Outline Planning stage, but it is Clayland’s intention to continue through to detailed design and eventually develop the land as another successful example of a local small developer delivering high quality homes for local people.

‘Architecture through Construction – Construction through Architecture’