Bayfield Way Swans Nest
Planning Permission had already been granted on this site for a scheme involving standard 2 bedroom houses. The clients saw our work and approached us to see if we could improve upon the existing scheme and increase the value of the land.
We completed master planning and value engineering work and increased the number of properties on the site. We came up with 4 original house type designs, using traditional vernacular styles to thereby increase the estimated development value by half million pounds.
We successfully gained new planning approval by using the original engineers access design but improved upon the layout of the site to utilise the protected Willow Tree as a central focal point, maximise views South across farmland and addressed the urban layout of the existing adjacent properties.
The site was then purchased by Barconn Ltd, a local Civil Engineering and Housing developer, who invited us to continue our work on the project. We worked closely with them to successfully achieve planning variations to the scheme suitable to their vision for the site, produced Building Regulations drawings, and Production information for construction. We continued to work with Barconn during the construction process to assist in site design changes, planning conditions and updated plans. The input of construction knowledge by Barconn through the design development process, working with us to refine and improve the initial planning designs, has resulted in an outstanding well-built development that is sympathetic to its surroundings.

‘Architecture through Construction – Construction through Architecture’